Special Issue: Process mining meets visual analytics (Information Systems, Elsevier)

Submission Open Date: January 26, 2024
Submission Deadline: June 5, 2024


This special issue aims to contribute to the cross-fertilization of Visual Analytics and Process Mining, welcoming works centred around methods and techniques stemming from, and contributing to, these disciplines.

Process Mining (PM) utilizes event data recorded by IT systems that support process execution for the automated discovery of graphical process models, conformance checking between data and models, enhancement of process models with additional analytic information, run-time monitoring of processes and operational support. Thus far, research efforts in the PM area have primarily focused on algorithms and methods from a technical perspective. Less attention has been paid to supporting PM practitioners throughout the entire PM process. An important means for supporting human sense-making is through visualization of the analysis processes, the input (event data), and results. Appropriate visualizations can trigger hypotheses, drive additional analysis, reveal patterns, and raise insights.

Visual Analytics (VA) is a multidisciplinary approach, integrating aspects of data mining and knowledge discovery, information visualization, human-computer interaction, and cognitive science, with the aim to make complex phenomena more comprehensible, facilitate new insights, and enable knowledge discovery from data. VA leverages the specific strengths of computers and humans for the best possible outcome: on the one hand, computers are better at managing and processing large amounts of data by exploiting their computational power; on the other hand, humans have better perceptual and cognitive means, which enable them to visually perceive unexpected patterns and to interpret data. 

VA and PM exhibit complementary traits that would greatly and mutually benefit from joining forces. However, the scientific body of literature reports on few endeavours towards this direction. The special issue on "Process mining meets visual analytics" pursues the objective of filling this gap.


  • Process mining
  • Visual analytics
  • Visualization
  • Business process management
  • Data analytics
  • Human-centered computing
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Decision support systems
  • Human in the loop

This call builds upon the successful experience of the Dagstuhl Seminar “Human in the (Process) Mines” (https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/seminars/seminar-calendar/seminar-details/23271; see the photo at the top of the page), which brought together researchers from the Visual Analytics and Process Mining fields (the main areas we target with this special issue) with the aim to foster joint research efforts and collaborations, advance both fields and enrich future approaches to be developed. The proposed special issue proceeds along the path with the ambition to broaden the reach of the initiated investigations. It can provide a valuable opportunity not only for contributions resulting from the seminar but also for additional papers that deal with topics that are at the intersection of PM and VA, and can potentially contribute to both areas.

Key Dates

  • Submission Open Date: January 26, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: June 5, 2024
  • Editorial Acceptance Deadline: March 20, 2025


All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through Editorial Manager at https://www2.cloud.editorialmanager.com/infosys/default2.aspx. When submitting papers, please select the following Article Type: VSI: Process M. & Visual A. 

Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the Guide for Authors of the Information Systems outlined on the journal website: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-systems/publish/guide-for-authors

All papers will be peer-reviewed following the regular procedure established by the Information Systems journal. For any further information, the authors may contact the Guest Editors.

Guest Editors

  • Claudio Di Ciccio (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
  • Pnina Soffer (University of Haifa, Israel)
  • Barbara Weber (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
  • Silvia Miksch (TU Wien, Austria)

[Photo © Schloss Dagstuhl - LZI GMBH, licensed under Creative Common License CC BY-NC-ND]

  • News created on February 1 2024, 16:42.
  • This news has been updated on February 1 2024, 17:07
  • Author: Pnina Soffer, Barbara Weber, Silvia Miksch, Claudio Di Ciccio