Copenhagen Airports A/S - Process Mining Case Story

airport monitoring performance-analysis

By John Hansen

The Process Mining pilot case in Copenhagen Airports A/S was targeting Bag-­tag data extracted from the Bag‐tag system. Every bag being checked‐in or transferred through the airport is having a bag-­tag containing valuable information about the destination flight. All bags are handled in the baggage sortation factory, ensuring they end up on the right flight on time.

As the Bag-­tag is scanned multiple times on its way from check-‐in, through the baggage factory, and to the aircraft – and needs to meet several performance KPIs, and because the process can vary significantly depending on different events such as need for storage due to early arrival etc., it was interesting to have a closer look at the process using Process Mining.

The approach to mining the data is to look at the data from two different process perspectives and analyse the results in iterative cycles. Using that approach the analysis revealed more details and insights as the analysis was re-­generated.

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Case study details

Copenhagen Airports A/S
Case study year:
Latest update:
7 January 2020